
 Today, in city of Leskovac, there are four  dominant industrial sectors : chemical, food, textile and wood processing. In the chemical industry the backbone consists of the following companies: "Health-Actavis", "Nevena-color" and "DCP Hemigal". In the textile industry, "Falke", "Jeans" Serbia doo, "Martini-Vest", "Bim Tex" and "Mateks" Ltd., while within the Food industry: food complex "Mesokombinat", "dairy" Leskovac "Ulpin", "Strela Kljajić" Ltd. Leskovac, "Tomako line" "MK" doo Leskovac, "Fungo jug" Leskovac. Wood-processing industry are "product" Pečenjevce, "Mita commerce", "Randjelovic" Ltd. Industrial supply significantly complements and auto industry corporation "JURA", which is currently in Leskovac employs more than 1,500 workers. Today, Leskovac four dominant industries: chemical, food, textile and wood processing. In the chemical industry the backbone consists of the following companies: "Health-Actavis", "Nevena-color" and "DCP Hemigal". In the textile industry, "Falke", "Jeans" Serbia doo, "Martini-Vest", "Bim Tex" and "Mateks" Ltd., while within the Food industry: food complex "Mesokombinat", "dairy" Leskovac "Ulpin", "Strela Kljajić" Ltd. Leskovac, "Tomako line" "MK" doo Leskovac, "Fungo jug" Leskovac. Wood-processing industry are "product" Pečenjevce, "Mita commerce", "Randjelovic" Ltd. Industrial supply significantly complements and auto industry corporation "JURA", which is currently in Leskovac employs more than 1,500 workers.