Financial grants 

Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA)

 The City of Leskovac in cooperation with National Employment Service (NES) · Subvention for creating of new jobs for people from the records of NES, 120.000 RSD per person (150.000 RSD for persons with disabilities); · Subvention for self employment is given to an unemployed person in disposable amount of 160. 000 RSD, 200. 000 RSD for persons with disabilities, in order to establish a store, a cooperative, or other forms of entrepreneurship or in order to establish a business organization; · Program of professional practice for hired people pays financial assistance monthly, not longer than 12 months

 Investments of broader significance for the local community In the case of investments of broader significance for the local community or if the investor participates with his/her funds in the construction of utilities, there is a possibility for further liberation of funds. The decision of further liberation of funds the City Assembly adopts if the approval from the Republic of Serbia is given. Conditions for land granting: the contracted obligations are to be accomplished in the following period of three years when the contract is signed, minimum 25 acres of land, on 2 acres 1 new full time worker.