CITY OF LESKOVAC business friendly

  Control Commission "BFC SEE" program within two days of testing, which was conducted on 30 and 31 March, found that the City of Leskovac eligible for the extension of their "Certificate in Business Friendly", with the obligation of representatives of the city authorities and agencies Local Economic Development to continue the implementation of the recommendations set out in the monitoring report and recommendations of the evaluation and verification checks. Based on the findings in more than 50% meeting the criteria of the standard "BFC SEE" active communication with local government representatives, documents and websites, supervisory committee is of the opinion that the city administration in Leskovac managed to preserve the established system.  Control Commission is of the opinion that the city team for certification together with agencies have demonstrated an adequate level of motivation, professionalism and operational in its current work on improving the local economic environment and to the city of Leskovac meets the requirements for the extension of "a certificate in business friendly - BFC SEE ", with the obligation of representatives of the city authorities and between allergens and to continue the implementation of the recommendations set out in the monitoring report and recommendations of the evaluation and verification checks.